March 09, 2017

Improving the developer experience with our API

Nathan Kot

Updated on November 21, 2018

We’re excited to announce upgrades and enhancements to our API — including simplified endpoints, redesigned docs and client libraries, a new sandbox, and a native iOS integration for Link. All of these updates are designed to make it easier than ever to integrate Plaid into your app and empower your users to control their financial data.

Simplified API

  • Clearer and more granular errors make integrations quicker than ever

  • A stateful Sandbox means it’s even easier to explore the API and build out your integration. Simulate MFA flows and errors, test webhooks, and more

  • You can create Items with multiple products right away, so you won’t need to call /upgrade to access new products

  • Rotate access_tokens securely with a single request to the API

Updated docs and client libraries

  • The docs have been redesigned to make it even easier to get up-and-running. The quickstart guide covers an example integration end-to-end with clone-able sample code for each language

  • Each endpoint in the docs includes client library code samples and example response data and schemas

Link for more platforms

  • Link is now native on iOS, has WebView support, and includes improved functionality across all mobile platforms

  • Link is always up-to-date with the latest institutions, products, and MFA flows

  • Link’s security benefits extend across all platforms—credentials never touch your back-end system

All of these updates are available now, including complete docs.

If you’ve already built your integration, no sweat—these changes won’t have any impact on your existing users, and we’ll continue to support our existing API. (We’ve also put together a transition guide if you’d like to give it a spin.)

We can’t wait to hear your feedback and help you build on our platform — head to the quickstart or docs to get started today!